The .MIX internal file types: ---------------------------- .VQA : Starts with FORM and 4 bytes after that WVQAVQHD \-> video's .AUD : Starts with bytes "22 56" ("V) \-> music scores/sounds .WSA : ends with bytes "80 00 00 80" \-> Animated pictures .PAL : 768 length \-> Color palette .INI : Text file \-> Level scenario's : "SCB01EA.INI" (exeption: MISSION.INI: Briefings file) .BIN : 8192 length \-> Level maps: "SCB01EA.BIN" .CPS : ends with bytes "00 81 00 80" \-> Big pictures .SHP : ends with byte "80" \-> All possible (smaller) pictures used in the game like buildings, units, icons, weapon images, animations... Written by Maarten 'Nyerguds' Meuris