HOUSE.INI seems to be a file determining House properties. It matches information found in the PC game's exe file. From research in the binary, "LemonFactor" was determined to be a disabled mechanism that gives units a certain chance of being produced with defects that make them take damage over time when moving. In other words, a production sloppiness factor. PROFILE.INI is an actual rules file with game object properties, allowing programmers to easily tweak in-game values from an external file. Note that the shown values are clearly from the PC version, as they include both the Light Factory and Heavy Factory, and both the Barracks and WOR. The REGION.INI file seems to be a template given to translators, with specific warnings about only changing the text behind "TXT## = " blocks. Another interesting thing to note is that all other data is stripped out of the file. The REGION#.INI files seem to be damaged versions of the final translated European files in the PC version. All translated strings are cut off after the first appearance of a non-ASCII character. None of these files appear to be used by the Sega version of the game. All uploaded files were edited slightly to add line breaks between the ini sections, and to strip spaces off the end of the lines. Besides that, they are unmodified.