==Cheat codes==
moneypennyAll cheats activated
Triple armor
fatwallet50.000 credits
299792458Build faster
awesomeRapid fire
clearskiesShroud removed
beeblebrox Test mode:
After the cutscene, press [4]+[2] to activate test mode.
After that, these codes will work:
[4]+[+]Next Level
[4]+[-]Previous Level
[4]+[PageUp] Destroy Enemy
Destroy Yourself
[4]+[numpad /] Remove Shroud
[4]+[numpad *]Get 10.000 more money
1337Disable all enabled cheats
==Mission codes==
pizzaAstro Bonus 1: Pizza Special
matchAstro Bonus 2: Soccer Match
manicAstro Bonus 3: Live Concert
amazeAstro Bonus 4: Lost
templeAlien Bonus 1: Relic
checkmateAlien Bonus 2: j'adoube
santaChristmas mission
marsLevel 1: Mining the Red Planet
powerupLevel 2: We Are Not Alone...
nicemanLevel 3: Build and Repair
buggyLevel 4: Mars Explorers
flyboyLevel 5: Pirates of the Sky
rangeLevel 6: Astro Squadron
stompLevel 7: Clawtank Ambush
ufoLevel 8: Ground Control, We Have a Problem
eltonLevel 9: Steal Alien Technology
eclipseLevel 10: Crystalien Conflict: Astronauts
drillSpecial Ops mission 1
caveinSpecial Ops mission 2
jacksSpecial Ops mission 3
earthLevel 1: Close Encounters
zapperLevel 2: Cleanup
extraLevel 3: Reinforcements
retreatLevel 4: Outnumbered
doctorLevel 5: One Alien Army
scrambleLevel 6: Jetpacks at 8 o'clock
flowLevel 7: Defend the Mothership
redalertLevel 8: Onslaught
5050Level 9: D-Day
nightfallLevel 10: CrystAlien Conflict: Aliens
theyliveSpecial Ops mission 1