KORT sprite converter v1.0.2 - Created by Nyerguds Syntax: KortBmpConv.exe [filename.bmp|file.png] [-p:palette.pal] [-o:outfile] Input: filename.bmp: Input KORT BMP sprites file. file.png: Input PNG file. Reads frames "file000.png" to "file999.png". Frames need to be in 8-bit paletted format. Output parameters: (optional) palette.pal: 6-bit 256-colour palette. Only for BMP to PNG. If not given, a standard gray palette is generated. outfile: Output filename. Becomes "outfile000.png" to "outfile999.png" for BMP to PNG. Becomes "outfile.bmp" for PNG to BMP. If not given, the input name is used. Run with /?, -?, /h or -h for this help screen. Run with /v or -v for version info. Version info: Version 1.0.0: (2017/08/17 23:32) -Initial implementation. Version 1.0.1: (2017/08/18 08:43) -Improved command line handling and help screen. Version 1.0.2: (2017/08/28 10:07) -Optimised conversions. -Fixed bug where conversion to bmp wouldn't work without -o parameter. -Added version info screen. -Improved error handling. -Added input type autodetect, so 8-bit gif or bmp frames input also works.