RPG character:

Character Owner: virtualoctopus

Name: Curim Uz-Burlom

Street name: Curim

Archetype: Mage

Race: Troll

Appearance: 7ft troll, decked out in huge billowing black robes, Carries a unflawed metallic staff with him at all times. Underneath his hood, his face has heavy trollish features, and blue skin, as well as deep, red, peircing eyes.

Virtues: * Strong magical talent, especially in the fields of destruction, mysticism, and alteration.
* Good in melee combat, but only with his long staff, an outdated weapon.
* Physcially imposing.
* Patient.

Flaws: * A flair for the dramatic : Whenever Curim does anything, he'll try and make sure that it gets a 'wow' from any onlookers. This leads to much unnecissary risk, and may oneday prove his demise.
* Dislike of goblins - Curim finds Goblins annoying and often will actively discriminate against them.

Background: Curim is a 2nd generation troll, just over 40 years old. Growing up in a troll/human village in Greece, the young troll grew to know the various trollish steriotypes well, and set out to prove them all wrong. He excelled in the field of magic, studied hard, and soon became a mage. He also is typically trollish in his good melee combat skills.

Gear / Weapons: * Black cloak
* Adamantium Staff.
* Various spells.

Cyberwear: None

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