RPG character:

Character Owner: virtualoctopus

Name: Damocles

Street name: Damocles

Archetype: Bio-engineered assassin (street samurai)

Race: Bio-engineered; Ork- and Human-DNA based

Appearance: Half-ork, approximately 6 foot. Hulking body, pale green skin. Greasy black hair. Yellow eyes. All bio-mods invisible unless carefully inspected, or being used.

Personality: Damocles is unlikely to converse with anyone in the RPG. At first, he will seem boring, and almost automated. However, if he actually develops a friendship, and transcends his machine-like role, Damocles will prove to be intelligent and deep-thinking.

Virtues: * Efficient
* Calcuating
* Fast
* Various bio-modifications

Flaws: * Loyal to the bad guys (Crispin Polt)
* Requires a vat-bath every 4-5 days.
* Lightly built

Background: Damocles was grown from a spore-pod, a basic clone of one higher bio-engineered assassin. Maturing in less than two weeks, due to acellerated growth, this creature is actually less than a month old.

Gear / Weapons: None; only wears a loincloth

bio-modifications: * Gills
* Enhanced Vision
* Sonar
* Retracting Claws (two hardened chitin blades per hand, one between his thumb and forefinger, and another in the same position on the inside of his little finger. These are about three inches long, and extend from two small ridges on the back of his hand)
* Sucker palms/toes
* Secondary Eyelids
* Vac-sealing mouth
* Regeneration
* Boosted muscles and nerves
* Hive mind (shared with the other two cloned bio-assasins (identical to Damocles), and the Jadal bio-computer network)
* Blood sucker (allowing the DNA of his victims to be stored in special channels in his teeth, allowing later identification)

Cyberwear: None.

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